Table of Contents


Momus is a new static site generator written in Go.
It is based heavily off of hugo.


There are several great static site generators(SSG) out there, and what is one more generator.
I have used both zola and hugo in the past and have had great experiences with both them and still use hugo and zola on some of the sites I host. 1
Ever the one for reinventing the wheel, I decided to try my hand at finally writing one of my own.
One trivial thing that I wanted from the project was TOML as the configuration language and front matter info.
There is no real reason for this but I have enjoyed using it in the past.
Another reason for creating Momus was I wanted something that was more customizable.
What better way to get a more customizable experience than creating a whole new site generator.
Although I do not plan on moving to any new languages or methods in the future having the option to migrate is comforting.
The last reason is I wanted to have the smoothest writing to production experience possible, and the tools I used to get that will be done in another post.


Uses toml for configuration and front matter of posts.
I have used various config file specifications in the past and toml has always
been the one that I have liked using the most. Uses builtin libraries when
possible, I have been a big fan of the standard Go library, and been trying to
use minimal amounts of external libraries. This comes with the benefit of less
chances for potential vulnerabilities to be introduced into Momus. Momus is both
extendable and configurable, with more of this coming to both configuration of
Momus and adding new generators to the code. It can also generate RSS feeds, I
like keeping up with a variety of different blogs with RSS feeds so this was
something that I knew I wanted. In the future I would also like to generate atom
feeds as well so that the end user can decide what to use.

Planned Features


  1. This will change in the future once I get momus to a spot that I feel comfortable using it for more than this blog. ↩︎